OK, it has been a while, but in my attempts to still blog and journal for myself I will start this up again...
Graduate school is officially over! I have just completed my Master's Degree in Elementary Reading. Even though it was hard, and had a lot of work involved... but over all, I feel like I learned a lot and increased my professional methodology as a teacher.
I have been learning a lot about life and myself lately:
1. I am the epitome of a procrastinator... I learned this in grad school.
2. I can be lazy... now this is probably due to my diagnosis with Narcolepsy, which is understandable... but still, I sometimes let my tiredness overcome me without giving it much fight or a hope.
3. I have no discipline... the moment I don't have time for something all goes out the window... my momentum stops and it's really hard for me to get back into a routine.
4. God calls me... even though I'm so screwed up... I stink at life. God still loves me and He still calls me to do his work. God is great at calling the unworthy, the least likely, the messed up, this is why He called me. He can use me if I let him, now I only need to stay open to His will and plan for my life...
more to come later...